Veken Pet Fountain | Automatic Cat Water Review In 2020

Veken Cat Fountain – A Complete Review

Bean & Kovu With Veken Fountain

Our favorite things: It’s quiet, it holds a lot of water, the filters keep the water clean, it’s affordable, and most importantly, our cats love it!

Our least favorite thing: You can’t see the water level inside.

Overall: We love the product and we’d recommend it to any furry friend!

Getting your pet to drink water from a bowl can sometimes be tricky – especially if your pet is a finicky feline who prefers to drink their fill from the porcelain throne or directly from the sink faucet instead. There are many reasons a cat might behave this way , and purchasing a pet water fountain is arguably the best way to get them to change this behavior.

The Veken Pet Fountain is a really great, affordable, and easy-to-use product that will entice your cat to drink fresh, clean water. As with any product available for purchase, there are pros and cons to consider. We’ll outline those points in this article so that you can determine if the Veken Pet Fountain is right for you and your cat.


  • 3 Filters Included: This fountain features a “triple filtration system.” Each of the filters is comprised of a cotton layer, activated carbon, and an ion exchange resin, which removes possible contaminants from tap water (such as nitrates, fluoride, and arsenic). The filter ensures that your cat is getting fresh, clean water at all times.
  • Quiet Pump: A small pump with a flower-shaped spout comes included with this product. The motor itself is very quiet, as is the trickle of the water.
  • Silicon Mat: This mat goes underneath the fountain and not only keeps it from sliding around, but also protects your floor from spills and drips that your pet may cause.
  • BPA Free Material: The water basin is made from BPA free materials that are easy to clean and safe for your cat to drink from.
  • Large Capacity: This fountain holds 2.5 Liters of water, so you don’t need to refill it as often as you would a regular water bowl. Since the water is constantly being pumped through a filter, you don’t need to worry about it getting dirty from being in there too long.
  • AC Power Adapter: The pump runs via an AC power adapter which can be plugged into a standard electrical outlet.
  • 2 Year Warranty: Each Veken Pet Fountain comes with a 2-year warranty from the manufacturer. Should you run into any problems with your fountain, they will send you a replacement.
Veken Pet Parts


  • Easy to Assemble: While this product does come with several pieces, they are all very simple to distinguish and put together. The fountain comes with an instruction manual which outlines the process, and there are also infographics on the Amazon page, should you lose your instruction manual.
  • Easy to Clean: The pump inside the fountain needs to be cleaned every 2 weeks in order to ensure that it is working properly, which is a simple process. There is a video on the Veken Pet Fountain Amazon page which clearly shows how to do so. The instruction manual also outlines the cleaning process.
  • Quiet: This fountain is surprisingly quiet. The pump itself hardly makes any noise and the small stream of water only makes a small delicate trickling sound. This is great for nervous cats who might normally be scared of a new household item.
  • Cats Love It: Cats are wired to crave running water because in the wild, stagnant pools of water can be filled with dangerous bacteria. Similarly, a regular cat water bowl sits still and fills with bacteria, hair, and other debris over the course of a day. This can drive them to seek water from other sources, such as sinks and toilets. The Veken Pet Fountain provides a much safer alternative for cats to fulfill their desire for running water. One of our cats had a huge problem with drinking out of the toilet, but he stopped as soon as we bought this fountain.
  • Large Capacity: Since this fountain holds 2.5 liters of water, you won’t need to refill it very often. Additionally, you don’t need to worry about the water being in there too long because the pump is continuously running it through the filter to remove debris. We typically replace the water every two weeks when we clean out the pump and top it off if it seems to be running low between cleanings.
  • Comes with Filters: The first 3 filters are included with purchase, and they should be replaced every 2-4 weeks. Therefore, you won’t need to purchase more for 6-12 weeks. When you do run out, the replacement filters are sold by Veken on Amazon at an affordable price.
  • Raised off Ground: One of the problems with standard cat water bowls is that your pet has to crouch down very low in order to drink. This may be fine for younger cats, but older cats can develop arthritis which makes it painful to crouch. Many vets recommend purchasing a raised platform so that eating and drinking is easier on the joints. The Veken Pet Fountain is great because it is 6.8 inches tall, making it more comfortable for your feline friend to drink.
  • Healthier and Safer for your Cat: As outlined earlier, this cat water fountain features a triple filtration system which removes dirt and debris and filters out potentially harmful contaminants commonly found in tap water. The pump moves the water through the filter 24/7 so that your pet has fresh, clean water at all times. With a regular cat water bowl, stagnant water collects fur, dirt, and other debris even if cleaned often, which can cause your cat to seek water from other sources such as the bacteria-filled toilet.
  • Veken Pet Fountain Uses
    • Three Flow Functions: By removing pieces from the flower spout attachment, you can change the flow based on your pet’s preferences. For example, our cats love the standard setup with the full flower spout attached, but a dog or a larger cat might prefer to remove the attachment completely and drink straight from the basin.
    • Can be Used by Cats and Dogs: Since the Veken Pet Fountain is so customizable in terms of the water flow and has such a large capacity, it works well for both cats and dogs.
    • Uses an AC Adapter: The good thing about running on electricity is that you don’t need to worry about replacing batteries for the fountain.
    • Affordable: At $26.99, the Veken Pet Fountain is a very affordable option. The low price doesn’t mean that the quality suffers – in fact, this is the #1 pet water fountain on Amazon right now.


    • Pump Eventually Wears Down: The company advertises that the pump in this cat water fountain can last several years if maintained properly. For a lot of customers, this is the case. However, a small handful of people have had problems with the pump not working within a matter of months. Veken offers a free 2-year warranty with every purchase, but it is still a hassle to have to replace something that you bought fairly recently. When we bought our first Veken Pet Fountain, the pump lasted about a year and a half, and only broke because one of our cats knocked a heavy glass of water down onto it. We have had our second Veken fountain for about a year now with no problems.
    • Have to Buy Replacement Filters: This is something that comes with owning just about any pet water fountain, and at the end of the day isn’t really a big hassle since they sell the replacement filters on Amazon in packages of up to 8. However, when switching from a regular water bowl to a Veken Pet Fountain, you must come to terms with the fact that you will be buying replacement filters now for as long as you have the fountain.
    • Uses an AC Adapter: This is listed in both the pros and the cons section. While it is convenient to not worry about replacing batteries, there are also some drawbacks to the fountain running on electricity. Firstly, if the power goes out while you are gone, your cats will run out of water after they drink what’s remaining in the shallow basin. For this reason, I always leave a backup bowl of water if I have to leave the house for longer than a day. Secondly, the cord isn’t super long, so you have to keep the fountain fairly close to an outlet. This isn’t really a problem for us since we had outlets to spare, but it is something worth considering before purchasing.
    • Can’t See the Water Level Inside*: In the standard Veken Pet Fountain model, there is no way to monitor how much water is left without opening it up. This is a little inconvenient because low water level can cause the pump to struggle and may diminish the longevity of the pump. We can often tell that the water level is low if the pump makes more noise than normal, but this isn’t a foolproof method. However, Veken released a new model of the same fountain which features a small window in the front where you can easily monitor how much water is left inside. This newer version only costs $1 more. We haven’t gotten a chance to use this model yet, but we will likely purchase it when our current fountain needs to be replaced.
    Veken Pet Fountain promo picture

    Tips for Use and Maintenance:

    • Clean the Pump Every 2 Weeks: Not only is it more sanitary for your pet if you clean the fountain regularly, but it can also help improve the pump’s lifespan. If the pump is dirty or clogged, it will have to work harder to keep the water flowing. This may wear down the machine before its time.
    • Don’t Let the Water Level Get Too Low: If your Veken Pet Fountain suddenly starts making a little more noise than usual, there’s a good chance the water level inside is too low. This will also cause the pump to have to work harder to keep the water flowing and can be damaging to the machine. While the fountain does have a large water capacity and doesn’t necessarily need to be filled often, we like to top it off with a glass or two of water every couple of days to prevent it from getting low at all.
    • Replace the Filter Every 2-4 Weeks: If you only have one cat, you’re probably fine to wait 4 weeks between filters. If you have multiple pets or a dog, you may want to consider changing it more frequently as it will fill with hair and debris more quickly. It is important to keep extra filters on hand and be diligent about replacing them so that your pet has the freshest and cleanest water possible.
    • Use a Cotton Swab or Small Brush for Cleaning: The pump, which needs to be cleaned out with soap and water every 2 weeks, contains some small parts. You may be able to clean with just soap and water fairly well, but a small brush or cotton swab will help ensure that you get all the nooks and crannies.

    To Sum it Up:

    It’s easy to see why this is the #1 pet fountain on Amazon. With its quiet, sleek design, it’s sure to make cats and cat owners alike happy. The triple filtration system keeps the water fresh and clean all day and it can last for years if you maintain it properly. We used to struggle with trying to keep our cats out of the toilet and sink. It seemed to be the only place they wanted to get their water from. Their water bowls always managed to fill with fur and dirt and sometimes even formed a slimy layer, even if we cleaned them out daily. After doing some research, we purchased a Veken Pet Fountain.

    Our cats immediately loved it, and they stopped trying to drink out of the toilet and sink. Our first fountain lasted about a year and a half before the pump started to slow down a little. We still used it until one of our cats knocked down a heavy glass full of water onto the fountain, breaking off part of the plastic frame and causing the pump to stop working. We were so pleased with the product overall that we decided to purchase another one, which we have had for a year with no problems. As far as we’re concerned, the Veken Pet Fountain is the best cat water fountain on the market, in terms of value.
